
Showing posts from June 17, 2012


Serikali ya Tanzania na serikali ya Jamhuri ya watu wa China kesho (18/06/2012) zinatarajia kutiliana saini mkataba wa ujenzi wa Bomba la kusafirisha Ges asilia kutoka Mnazi Bay Mtwara hadi Ubungo jijini Dar es Salaam. Mkataba huo wenye thamani ya dola za Kimarekani bilioni 2 (mbili) utasainiwa mjini Beijing, China kati ya Shirika la Maendeleo ya Petroli nchini kwa upande wa Tanzania (TPDC) na Benki ya Exim kwa upande wa China. Balozi wa Tanzania nchini China Mhe Phillipo Marmo amesema hayo leo mjini Wuhan, China wakati akizungumza na Umoja wa Wanafunzi wa Tanzania (Wuhan Tanzania Students Association-UTASA) wanaoishi mjini hapo. "Kesho Tanzania inatarajia kutiliana saini mkataba wa ujenzi wa bomba la gesi asilia kutoka Mnazi Bay Mtwara hadi Ubungo jijini Dar es Salaam utakaokamilika ndani ya mezi 12 baada ya kutiwa saini," amesema. Kwa mujibu wa Balozi Marmo, "serikali ya Tanzania imeiwekea dhamana PTDC ili kupata mkopo kutoka benki


THE OPENING OF THE FOURTH FORUM OF THE GLOBAL NETWORK OF RELIGIONS FOR CHILDREN (GNRC), 16 JUNE 2012, DAR ES SALAAM Theme: Ending Poverty, Enrich Children: Inspire. Act. Change  The Chief Mufti of Tanzania Sheikh Shaaban Simba with Former Prime Minister and Co-Patron of the Forum, Dr Salim Ahmed Salim, shortly before the opening of the Forum at the Serena Inn in Dar es salaam   President Jakaya Kikwete greets one of the participants  President Jakaya Kikwete and participants watch a presentation  Children from all over the world  helping in shaping the Poverty Initiative that is to be  launched.  sharing experiences with the audience  Enacting the suffering of the poor in India  Former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi gives a speech  A Kenya-Based Somali girl shares her experiences  Former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi with other participants  Sharing experiences  Poverty is the worst for of violence to children, the message reads