Deputy Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Hon January Makamba --- *I did nothing wrong as deputy minister to instruct TCRA I read with particular interest an article published in the May 25 edition of this newspaper titled ‘Collective responsibility and emerging anarchy in state policy’ by Ani Jozeni. The article would not have warranted a response if it were not so elegantly written, so blatantly misleading and wrong on both facts and logic. I am taking the liberty to respond so as to correct certain factual errors and flaws in logic, and offer him and the readers a bit of understanding about the telecoms sector. Jozeni’s gripe is twofold: one, that it was incorrect for a government leader to ask Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) to take up with mobile phone operators an issue about poor mobile phone services and that we, who do not reside at the Treasury, must not complain about poor tax revenue collection fr...